Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

What you have here is an old guy. In education for 30 years, started teaching elementary, ended as library and media director of community college. I've enjoyed mountain climbing, sports car rallying, was pipe major of a bagpipe band, played guitar and sang during the folk revival, walking and hiking later in life. Now fairly sedentary. Enjoy reading, esp. mysteries and fantasy, but my reading is pretty eclectic. Enjoy movies, giving Netflix a workout.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Exciting Times at Borders

We just happened to visit our local Borders Book Store this evening. I was perusing a shelf of books when a woman began searching desperately for Stumbling Toward Enlightenment by Geri Larkin. I helped her find it (out of alphabetical order, of course). Seems she was taking a flight to Thailand later tonight and wanted this book to accompany her. Geri Larkin brings Buddhism down to earth. Good reading and safe journey!

When I descended from the second floor it was a little after 9 pm. And it became apparent that tonight was the night. At midnight, certainly the witching hour, the new Harry Potter book is to be released. And children and young adults in costume were already lining up for the party. I can imagine their excitement. They will dash home, curl up and probably read all night, or until sleep overcomes them. I wonder how many pages this book will be. Anyway, I wish all the children in the English-speaking world the great joy they will find in reading this new book. I wonder if translations have already been done in the other languages of the world or do those kids, Italian, Finnish, Ukrainian, Japanese, have to wait? My copy will come in the mail. Tomorrow? Or maybe Monday?


Blogger adamosf said...

Ironically, my blog for yesterday also discussed my visit to a bookstore in the midst of Pottermania, but I was somewhat less pleased by it than you seem to be. I wonder if that means I am just a grumpier kinda guy, or you are a closet Pottermaniac. ;)

8:08 PM  
Blogger Cap'n Bob said...

I preordered the book from B&N at a discounted price and it arrived on Saturday, the day after it was released. I could have bought it at the local supermarket on the day it was released for the same price. Not that I care, but my girl Kristine is hooked on the series and is the only thing she really likes to read. She styaed up until 4 a.m. on the first night she had it, reading. By Sunday night she was 400 pages in and going strong. I've enjoyed the movies but have never been tempted to read the books. Just too many mysteries and westerns vying for my attention, I guess.

6:24 AM  
Blogger Frank Denton said...

Bob.: No HP closet to come out of. I've enjoyed the books thoroughly as far as I've read. More in a future blog. Cap'n: Good for Kristine. I knew there would be kids staying up and reading as long as they could keep their eyes open. Andy: Sounds like a good project for you. How are the golf prints doing?

8:43 PM  

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