Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

What you have here is an old guy. In education for 30 years, started teaching elementary, ended as library and media director of community college. I've enjoyed mountain climbing, sports car rallying, was pipe major of a bagpipe band, played guitar and sang during the folk revival, walking and hiking later in life. Now fairly sedentary. Enjoy reading, esp. mysteries and fantasy, but my reading is pretty eclectic. Enjoy movies, giving Netflix a workout.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

And a Happy New Year to You

Happy New Year to Everyone. Last evening we went a New Year's Eve party. Old friends, whom we have known for many years. The hostess had read of a Spanish New Year's custom. Twelve grapes are put onto skewers, alternating red grapes with green. At midnight everyone eats the twelve grapes, counting the first at January and continuing on. The eater is supposed to judge the sweetest and that month is going to bring good luck or be the luckiest month for him or her. It was fun. February is my lucky month. Perhaps it is because that is my birth month.

The Scots bring in the new year with "a wee doch an doris, just a wee dram that's a'." I suppose there's nothing wrong with that, a nice tot of single malt scotch, say a twelve year old. I'm not sure what we Irish are supposed to do. Perhaps I'll do a search this evening after the family has gone.

We've had a lot of snow, very unusual for the Seattle area. My son and his family have been unable to get out, living a couple of miles up a gravel road, and having as much as 27 inches of snow and power outages. So today is Christmas for the granddaughters, Nora and Grace, 10 and 7, and a happy birthday for Jenny, just turned 22 on New Year's Eve. We'll all have a good time, I'm sure.


Blogger mybillcrider said...

Happy New Year to you, Anna, and the family, Frank.

3:17 PM  
Blogger Fun at the Library said...

Hola, Frank,
Surprise! Tis me, Ken St. Andre. I was looking for a way to contact you on the web, and this is what I found. The Rogue Raven certainly looks very respectable in his new quarters, and I'm glad to see that your are enjoying life and doing well.
I'm sorry you didn't call me last time you were in Phoenix. I would have loved to get together with you. I might have even given you a copy of my novel, Griffin Feathers (See Amazon for details). But you're going to have a chance to make up for that oversight this weekend because . . . I'm going to be in Seattle. I will be a guest an ConQuest NW at the Doubletree Hotel Seattle Airport. Please get in touch with me. I'd really like to get out of the airport and see some of Seattle. I should have most of Thursday afternoon and evening free--Rick Loomis and I will be arriving Thursday morning. Saturday Sunday and Monday are also possibilities for meeting up with you.
Since I have left this to the last moment, it would be good to establish personal contact. My email is: My phone number is 602-955-4143.

Best wishes,

9:18 AM  

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