Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

What you have here is an old guy. In education for 30 years, started teaching elementary, ended as library and media director of community college. I've enjoyed mountain climbing, sports car rallying, was pipe major of a bagpipe band, played guitar and sang during the folk revival, walking and hiking later in life. Now fairly sedentary. Enjoy reading, esp. mysteries and fantasy, but my reading is pretty eclectic. Enjoy movies, giving Netflix a workout.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I Have Returned

The comment from Reed Andrus reminds me that I’ve been away from this blog much longer than I intended. Most of January was taken up with coughing, sneezing, sore throat, gargling, sniffing salt water and even using an inhaler. Two trips to the doctor. I guess when you get older it takes longer to get over such a thing as the common cold. So I’m back. That is not to say that I will be any more regular at blogging. I’m not very good at talking about the ordinary things of life. Maybe I should make an attempt to do that and see where it takes me.

Anna, my wife of almost 60 years, said she was going to make bean soup the other day. I love navy bean soup. I also occasionally make a pot of seven bean soup, which is nothing more than emptying seven cans of different kinds of beans in a pot, a bay leaf, some grated carrot, maybe some sliced celery, oregano. Let is simmer for tenor fifteen minutes to blend the flavors and enjoy. It’s hard work to take the lids off of those cans of beans. A little work brings a lot of pleasure. But I digress. Anna didn’t make navy bean soup; she made navy bean vegetable soup, with beans, spinach, carrots and other ingredients. It wasn’t what my mouth was watering for. Several days later she did make a pot of navy bean soup since I had wept so bitterly.

And today I made a batch of carrot cake muffins. I found the recipe a while back and they were terrific. Not as sweet as carrot cake, but quite tasty and nutritious. So there you have it, a little piece of the life of this old retiree.


Blogger Evan Lewis said...

And welcome back, sir.

9:21 PM  
Blogger mybillcrider said...

Glad to see you back. And now I'm hungry.

5:04 AM  
Blogger Cap'n Bob said...

I spent most of January with various colds, too, which started at the cabin.
The soup sounds great.

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better and it's nice to see a newish post! Your talk of navy bean soup has me wanting some, or black bean soup, also a personal favorite.

I'm going through a big reorganization and resorting of the CDs, books and whatnots in my place. See the blog for details. ( Lot of work! Darn thing is it won't look all that different when I'm done, except everything will be in it's place.

9:26 AM  

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