The Weather
I'm just ducking in for a moment to apologize for not blogging much of late. It's been too darn hot here in the northwest. I know, I know. There are a lot of places hotter but we are spoiled. Low 70s are comfortable here in Puget Sound country. 75 degrees and we start to whine. We've had five days in the mid-90s and we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it any more. Well, it was a good line in the movie anyway. I really feel for those people in other parts of the country who suffer from higher temps all summer every summer. And 115 degrees really has hit people in the southwest and California. But I'm just too hot and sweaty to even think straight. It's supposed to cool down by the weekend, maybe even rain. Surprise! In Seattle? So check back, please do.
We've had our usual summer here on the Texas Gulf Coast. Temps will be in the 90s by the weekend, and they'll stay there all next week. The only reason they're not there now is the rain, rain, rain.
Gee, Frank, doesn't EVERYBODY have an air conditioner, or is it just me? Alas, it's only in my office. The bedroom is so bad that I couldn't sleep one night and had to call in sick the next day. Gone are the days when I could go 24 hours without sleep.
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