Does Absence?
Sorry I've been gone. Or did you notice? My wife, Anna, got a concussion from a fall back in May. It is only now beginning to get better. She still has some bad days but it looks like she's reached the turning point. She has more good days (sans headaches) than bad days. Meantime we muddle along. A long week at the cabin, where there is no internet connection, several trips to the race track, and a visit from a friend who lives in Oregon. We tromped around town, visited an art museum, bought books at a used book store, and talked well into the morning. Then the varlet snuck away before I awakened this morning. This is what he usually does so it was not entirely unexpected. He thinks I will talk him into staying longer and he doesn't want to wear out his welcome. But we always enjoy his visits, no matter how brief. I'll leave the story of the art exhibit for another time.
Give Anna our best wishes.
I hope Anna gets well soon. Headaches are, you know, a real headache. ;-)
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