Robert Johnson Lives
There was an interesting article in the newspaper today concerning Robert Johnson, sometimes called the father of the blues. Little is known about the man. He recorded only 37 songs in his short lifetime. The first batch were recorded in a studio in San Antonio. But there was another batch that were recorded but nobody knew where for certain. It was thought to be in a building in Dallas but there was no proof. A fellow who has a passion for Robert Johnson and his music set out to find proof. He ran down a former employee of the recording company. And the man had saved a lot of material that the company did not care about and were throwing out. Among the papers was the proof that Johnson had recorded eight songs at 508 Park Avenue, a building in a degraded part of town but with a wonderful art deco front. Johnson has been given homage by Eric Clapton, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones. Johnson is said to have poisoned by the husband of a woman whom he had seduced, or tried to. He died at the age of 27. This small bit of proof adds just a tad more to the story of Robert Johnson’s life.
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